Resolution 24 03 CUP 03 revised to PC 24 03 DR 01 - Estuary Trail

Resolution PC 24 03 DR 01 formerly Resolution PC 24 03 CUP 03 - Estuary Trail

Notice of Public Hearings

Notice is hereby given that the Florence Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in person and via videoconference on February 27, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the City of Florence City Hall Chambers located at 250 Highway 101, to consider and deliberate on the following:

RESOLUTION PC 24 03 CUP 03 – Estuary Trail with Parking at Hwy 126 & Spruce St

A conditional use permit submitted by Public Works Director Mike Miller on behalf of the City of Florence to develop an estuary trail constructed of compressed gravel with associated parking area and trail head located at the southwest corner of the Spruce St and Hwy 126 intersection and with a pedestrian access point on Quince Street.  Proposed trail amenities to include benches and interpretative signs.  This project is located on Lane County Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots 18-12-26-33-00904 and 18-12-26-32-08000 and 07800. The Estuary trail will be located in Mainstreet Area A as regulated by Florence City Code (FCC) 10-27 and Old Town District C as regulated by FCC 10-17 and located within the Natural Estuary Management Unit and Natural Resource Conservation Management Unit as regulated by FCC 10-19.