Stormwater Management Plan

Bioswale at Dutch Brothers

Stormwater in Florence is regulated by the Florence Realization 2020 Comprehensive Plan, the Stormwater Management Plan, and Florence City Code Title 9 Chapter 5 and the Stormwater Design Manual.

Amendments Related to Stormwater

On September 19, 2011, the Florence City Council passed Ordinance No. 18, Series 2011 adopting Comprehensive Plan amendments, Stormwater Management Plan amendments, and amendments Florence City Code (FCC) Titles 9, 10, and 11 for consistency with the Stormwater Design Manual.  It also approved amendments to the Florence Stormwater Design Manual.  The proposal achieves the following objectives:

1. Make the Comprehensive Plan policies consistent with the Guiding Principles of the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership ;
2. Clarify which portions of the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Appendices are incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan;
3. Make the Comprehensive Plan consistent with the minimum requirements of Statewide Planning Goal 11, Public Facilities and Services (OAR Chapter 660, Division 11);
4. Update Chapter 11 of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to Public Safety policies and recommendations; and
5. Make various changes to the Comprehensive Plan and Code to clean up formatting and to improve clarity and consistency.

 Staff is working on incorporating the adopted amendments into the Stormwater Management Plan   Once updated, the Stormwater Management Plan will replace the one currently on the city's website.  The City Code Title 9 Chapter 5, Florence Realization 2020 Comprehensive Plan, and the Stormwater Design Manual are updated on the City's website.  If you have any questions, please call or email the Community Development Department.