Filing a Complaint



  • Visit the Report a Code Violation page and fill out the electronic form (preferred).
  • Call Code Enforcement at (541) 902-2180 to speak with a Code Enforcement officer.


  • Code Enforcement will do a site visit to determine if there is a violation occurring. If there is no violation, the Code Officer will advise the complainant of the reason they do not feel a violation has occurred.
  • If there is a violation occurring, the Code Officer will investigate to determine the responsible party. The responsible party will be then contacted via face-to-face visit, phone call, e-mail, or letter, and made aware of the violation.
  • A deadline will be established for compliance. If a deadline is reached with voluntary compliance the case is closed. If a deadline is reached without compliance then there will be a possible citation issuance with a new deadline set for compliance (citations could be issued daily).