Housing and Economic Opportunities Project - COMPLETED Nov. 2018

Housing & Economic Opportunities Project

The Housing and Economic Opportunities Project has been successfully completed and the Florence Housing Needs Analysis and Economic Opportunities Analysis completed.  This document will allow the City to implement code and policy updates to address needed housing and economic growth concerns.  The final document is available for review from the links below.

HEOP documents were approved by the City Council at their November 5, 2018 meeting.


The City of Florence is in the process of reviewing our policies and rules after conducting a study of housing and the local economy to ensure there is sufficient land for these uses for the next 20 years. The study and the policy reviews help the City determine how to prioritize it's resources to promote needed housing and jobs for the community. 

How can you get involved in supporting needed housing and economic growth?

The Final Housing & Economic Opportunities Project Committee meeting was held on December 5, 2017 at the Florence Events Center (715 Quince Street). The project team considered the comments received from the public after the public surveys from August / September and the public open house held in October and reviewing the draft recommendations for policy amendments. 

The next steps are for the City Council and Planning Commission to review the Housing & Economic Opportunities Analysis. They met in a work session on Monday February 26th and will be holding a follow up work session on Monday March 26th at 5:30 p.m. at the Florence Events Center. 

To stay up to date on upcoming events or public involvement opportunities in real time by clicking here to sign up for the Housing and Economic Opportunities Project (HEOP) Committee email notification service.

Watch this site or follow us on Facebook @CityofFlorenceOregon for updates.


What is the Housing and Economic Opportunities Project (HEOP)?

The Florence community is envisioning the housing and economic future it wants.  The project includes three studies that collectively need to be performed to make the desired future a reality.  These include inventorying Florence' buildable lands, identifying needed housing types and methods to encourage developers to build them, and determining cost effective economic development opportunities.  The results of these studies could result in code and zone changes, public-private partnerships, and implementation of strategies to support housing and economic growth.  Effort is being made made to offer and encourage diverse community-wide participation, to include multi-cultural,  multi-generational, alternate abilities, and low income level.