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Quince Street Request for Expressions of Interest

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July 29, 2021 Quince Street Development Update

At their meeting on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, the Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA) received an update from staff related to the Quince Street development progress. The FURA Board had previously entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with Sycan B. Corp./Merete’ Hotel Management as a result of the Requests for Expressions of Interest solicitation in 2020. That ENA, and its subsequent extension authorized on May 26, 2021, expired on July 1, 2021. Unfortunately, Sycan notified the FURA staff that they would not be pursuing the project further and therefore did not request further extensions of the ENA.

Subsequent to the execution of the ENA, on January 13, 2021, the Agency authorized the use of $44,000 in Agency funds for “critical path” due diligence activities, at the request of Sycan. These activities included an ALTA survey, a geotechnical survey and analysis, and a hotel market feasibility analysis. Since the FURA Board funded these reports, they are the property of FURA and remain essential for future development. Of note, the hotel market feasibility report indicated strong demand for additional lodging in Florence.

Next Steps

After discussion by the FURA Board, it was determined that any unsolicited proposals for development of the Quince Street property would be accepted at least through August 31, 2021. The Board reactivated the Selection Advisory Committee to review any proposals that may be received during that time.

Any developers interested in submitting a proposal should review the information outlining the Board’s objectives for the development offering and follow the criteria outlined in the previously published Request for Expressions of Interest. For questions related to the project, prospective developers are encouraged to contact Megan Messmer at

The previously published Request for Expressions of Interest is available on the FURA website at

If FURA receives proposals prior to August 31, 2021, the Selection Advisory Committee will meet with staff to review. The full FURA Board would then meet for review of staff recommendations. If FURA does not receive any unsolicited proposals, staff will bring recommendations to the Board for a second Request for Expression of Interest to include reaffirmation of the development objectives, a structured timeline, and a streamlined process in order to continue the momentum of the Agency.

Request for Expressions of Interest

The Florence Urban Renewal Agency is pleased to announce a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to develop a 13.4 acre site located within the City of Florence and owned by the Florence Urban Renewal Agency across the street from the Florence Events Center (750 Quince Street). For a quick overview of the site, please view the 1 1/2 minute site video at

This projects seeks proposals for innovative hospitality development from developers, business owners, and other entities that can demonstrate the qualifications and experience necessary to deliver on that mission. 

Development Goals: The Florence Urban Renewal Agency's goal is for the site to be developed for a 90+ room hotel, or other similar sized lodging facility, with a preference for a 100+ room facility. The intent is for the hotel to serve as an anchor for the site, as well as complement the Florence Events Center. 

In addition to a lodging development, ancillary developments would also be considered for the site, including any of the following mixed-use developments: Food / Beverage uses complimentary to the lodging use; residential or mixed-use facilities with a focus on efforts to promote higher-density workforce housing. These uses listed are the Agency's development goals for the site, but they will consider all proposals for development opportunities. 

RFEI Timeline: The deadline for first review of the RFEI is Friday August 14, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 

About FURA: The Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA) was established in August 2006. It encompasses properties along Highway 101 generally south of Highway 126, east of Kingwood Street, and inland of the Siuslaw River. The Florence Urban Renewal Agency utilizes tax increment financing to provide for economic development in the Florence downtown area. It focuses on projects, such as construction and repair of public infrastructure, including parks, streets, and other public facilities; facilitation of public private partnerships to revitalize and preserve downtown properties; promotion of mixed-use development; and rehabilitation of the waterfront for public and commercial uses. 

Request for Expressions of Interest Contact Information: Questions? Comments? Contact...

  • Assistant City Manager Megan Messmer via email or via phone at 541-997-3437.

  • Economic Development Catalyst Sarah Moehrke via email or via phone at 541-991-8276