Press Release - Notice of Highway 126 Utility Extension Construction


The City of Florence recently awarded the construction contract for the Highway 126 Utilities Extension Project to Ray Wells, Inc., of Florence, Oregon. The contractor is scheduled to begin construction work on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. Ray Wells, Inc. has completed several water, sewer, stormwater and street projects for the community with good results.

This $284,426 project will extend the water system along Highway 126 from Upas Street to approximately 225 feet east of the undeveloped Vine Street right-of-way and extend the wastewater collection system along Highway 126 from Vine Street east approximately 350 feet. Specifically, the project will install a new 12-inch water main starting at the Upas right-of-way (east side of Yamaha of Florence) and continue east along the south side of Highway 126 outside the shoulder.

The project will also begin the sewer portion of the project by installing a manhole on the existing 8-inch sewer line on the south side of Highway 126 at Vine Street. From that new connection point a new 8-inch sewer line will extend from Vine Street and continue east along the south side of Highway 126 along the shoulder. Due to the wideness of Highway 126, the traffic pattern may be changed, but actual traffic delays are not anticipated with the project.

Florence Public Works would like to extend our thanks in advance to the public, tourists and businesses for their patience as we begin this important project that will improve water supplies for fire suppression and sanitary sewer service to the community. Although we have planned the construction well and have worked hard to minimize any inconvenience, due to the nature of this construction project there will be slight inconveniences. The City sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience we or the contractor might cause during this project and we will certainly try to minimize those inconveniences.

If there are any questions regarding the project, please contact Public Works at 541-997-4106.