Tsunami Evacuation Maps

Florence Tsunami Evacuation Map

If you live at or visit the coast, this information may save your life. Take a look and share what you learn with your family and friends.

The evacuation zones on these maps were developed by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries in consultation with local officials. Evacuation routes were developed by local officials and reviewed by the Oregon Department of Emergency Management. Note that the tsunami inundation limits shown on these maps represent the worst case scenario for the two types of tsunami shown. The inundation limits are intended only to guide tsunami evacuation for these two extreme events. These maps should not be used for land-use planning or engineering purposes.

A full list of tsunami evacuation maps, information, and links to the tsunami smart phone app can be found at Evacuation Brochures and Apps

The Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has developed the below educational video to inform visitors to the Oregon coast about tsunami safety. The video is part of a larger educational project to raise the preparedness level of the Oregon coast's hospitality industry.