City Manager - Erin Reynolds

Erin Reynolds

The City Manager is the administrative head of the government of the City, and is appointed by the City Council for an indefinite term. The City Manager is responsible for enforcing all ordinances, appointing and removing all City employees, acts as the purchasing agent for the City, and supervises all City departments to assure utmost efficiency.

Duties of the City Manager include:

  1. Keeping the Council advised of the affairs and needs of the City.
  2. Enforcing and seeing that all terms of franchises, leases, contracts, permits, and privileges granted by the City are observed.
  3. Responsible for hiring and the general supervision of all employees.
  4. Acts as the purchasing and business agent for the City.
  5. Responsible for preparing and submitting the proposed annual budget.
  6. Supervises the operation of all utilities owned and operated by the City.

To contact Erin, you can either emailĀ her or call 541-997-3437.